# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
# Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this
# license, visit or send
# a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042,
# USA. 
# Reference:
# (C) Robert Tolksdorf,
use Switch;
require "/vhome/";

# Licence texts
$licence_text="/vhome/"; # without ending
# for all filenames passed
foreach $filename (@ARGV) {
    # extract ending
    # is it a file we can act upon?
    if ($ending =~ /(pl|xml|xgmml|graphml|html|xslt|json|js)$/) {
	switch ($ending) {
	    case /pl|js/ {
		# use .pl or .js licence
	    case /xml|xgmml|graphml|html|xslt/ {
		# use .xml licence
	# get licence
	# test whether licence is already included
	switch ($ending) {
	    case /pl|js|xml|xgmml|graphml|html|xslt/ {
		# does it start with the licence? TODO change for XML formats, it does work as it is, also for perl
		if ($file =~/\Q$licence\E/) {
	# emit licence if not already contained
	if (!$already_licenced) {
	    # backup the original
	    rename $filename, $filename."~";
	    # emit to a new file
	    switch ($ending) {
		case /html|js/ {
		    # just prepend the licence
# TODO: change for executable perls in which the first line is like #!/usr/bin/perl and has to stay the first line.
		case /pl/ {
		    # does it start with a shebang?
		    if ($file=~/\#!/) {
			# get first line (the #! )
			# append license
			# get and append the remaining file
			# write it
		    } else {
			# no shebang, just prepend the licence
		case /xml|xgmml|graphml|xslt/ {
		    # licence has to come after first line
		    # get first line (the <?xml which always has to be the first line )
		    # append license
		    # get and append the remaining file
		    # write it