Cardoen Industries - Wash DC -
(preliminary unstable) Actor URI:
Appears in
- Arochem, Bayoil and Bay Industries: Stamford, London, Baghdad c. 1988-91
As related to- Bayoil USA - Stamford CT - (InfluenceControl)
- Carlos Cardoen (InfluenceControl)
- Govt Iraq (Association)
- BNL #1
As related to - Carlos Cardoen "military pyrotechnics" Santiago, Chile c. 1982-92
As related to- Carlos Cardoen (InfluenceControl)
- Col. Carlos Rickerton (Association)
- James Theberge US amb to Chile 1982-5 CIA Panel 1986-7 (InfluenceControl)
- Industries Carlos Cardoen of Santiago, Chile c. 1982-90 (2nd Version)
As related to- Col. Carlos Rickerton (InfluenceControl)
- Industrias Cardoen S.A. - Santiago - (InfluenceControl)
- James Theberge US amb to Chile 1982-5 CIA Panel 1986-7 (InfluenceControl)
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