# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
# Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this
# license, visit or send
# a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042,
# USA. 
# Reference:
# (C) Robert Tolksdorf,
use Graph::Directed;


# reading networks --------------------------------------------------
sub readxnetwork {
    open(F, "<", $network_file);
    while ($line=<F>) {
	if ($line=~/^\s*\<node id=\".*\"/) {
	     while (!($line2=~/^\s*\<\/node/)) {
	      	if (($line2=~/\s*<att name=\"type\" value=\"http:\/\/\/lombardi.owl#Institution\"/) ||
	      	    ($line2=~/\s*<att name=\"type\" value=\"http:\/\/\/lombardi.owl#Person\"/)) {
		if ($line2=~/\s*<att name=\"name\" value=\"(.*)\" type/) {
		    # normalize
	     if ($tolist) {
		 if ($cast{$label} ne "") {
		     $cast{$label}.=" | ";
		 # get the array of networks with that actor
# 		 print "$label is in $networkid\n";
		 if (defined $actor_in_network{$label}) {
		     my $networks=$actor_in_network{$label};
		     # print "For $label I find\n";
		     # print Dumper @$networks;
		     push @$networks, $networkid;
		     # print "I store ($_[0])\n";
		     # if ($networkid == 1049) {
      		     # 	 print($label);
    		     # }
 		     # print Dumper @$networks;
		 } else {
#		     my $first=($workid{$_[0]});
#		     $actor_in_network{$label}=\@first;
		     my $first=[$workid{$_[0]}];
		 # append this networks id
#     print "end with $_[0]\n";


sub read_network_as_graph {
    # create an empty graph
    my $g = Graph::Directed->new;
    # open the file
    open(F, "<", &file_of_network($_[0]));
    # iterate though all lines
    while ($line=<F>) {
	# do we read a node?
	if ($line=~/^\s*\<node id=\"(.*)\"/) {
	    # create the node from the id
	    # as long as we do not read the closing node tag...
	     while (!($line2=~/^\s*\<\/node/)) {
		 # get next line
		 # if we get the name attribute
		 if ($line2=~/\s*<att name=\"name\" value=\"(.*)\" type/) {
		     my $label=$1;
		     # normalize it
		     # store name as node attribute
		 } elsif ($line2=~/\s*<att name=\"type\" value=\"(.*)\" type/) { # the type attribute
		     # store type as node attribute
		 # no other attributes exist
	} elsif ($line=~/^\s*\<edge source=\"(.*)\" target=\"(.*)\"/) { # do we read an edge
	    # store the edge
	    my $s=$1;
	    my $t=$2;
	     # as long as we do not read the closing node tag...
	     while (!($line2=~/^\s*\<\/edge/)) {
		 # get next line
		 # if we get the amount attribute
		 if ($line2=~/\s*<att name=\"amount\" value=\"(.*)\" type/) {
		     # store the amount attribute of the edge
		 } elsif ($line2=~/\s*<att name=\"type\" value=\"(.*)\" type/) { # the type attribute
		     # store the type attribute of the edge
    return $g;    

sub readNodeLabels {
    @labelList = ();
    open(F, "<", &file_of_network($_[0]));
    while ($line=<F>) {
	# do we read a node?
	if ($line=~/^\s*\<node id=\"(.*)\"/) {
	     # as long as we do not read the closing node tag...
	     while (!($line2=~/^\s*\<\/node/)) {
		 # get line
		 # if we get the name attribute
		 if ($line2=~/\s*<att name=\"name\" value=\"(.*)\" type/) {
		     push @labelList, $label;
    return @labelList; # Return the array

# read everything a one long string
sub read_network_as_line {
    return &read_file(&file_of_network($_[0]));

# reading other files --------------------------------------------------

sub read_file{
    # get the complete content of a file
    my $line;
    open(I, "<", $_[0]);
    {    local $/;    # slurp mode
	 $line= <I>;
    close I;
    return $line;

sub write_file{
    # write text to a file
    my $line;
    open(O, ">", $_[0]);
    print O $_[1];
    close O;

# read_var_file(name)
sub read_var_file {
    return (&read_file("$doc_root/bin/var/$_[0].var"));

# read_inc_file(name)
sub read_inc_file {
    return (&read_file("$doc_root/bin/inc/$_[0].inc"));

sub loadWorkIds {
    # get all numbers and names
    # $line=&read_var_file("workids");
    # %workid = %{ eval $line };
    %workid = %{ eval &read_var_file("workids") };
    %idwork = reverse %workid;

sub load_image_urls {
    # get all numbers and urls
#    $line=&read_file($doc_root."bin/var/imagelinks.var");
    %image_url = %{ eval &read_var_file("imagelinks") };

sub load_year_range {
    # get all numbers and ranges
    %year_range = %{ eval &read_var_file("year-range") };

sub load_types {
    @edgetype=@{eval &read_var_file("edgetypes")};
    @nodetype=@{eval &read_var_file("nodetypes")};

sub load_node_overlap {
    @node_overlap=@{eval &read_var_file("overlaps")};

# to few overlaps for similarity
sub low_overlap {
    return ($_[0]!=0 &&!&good_overlap);

# enough overlaps for at least some similarity
sub high_overlap {
    return ($_[0]>.2);


# enough overlaps for substantial similarity
sub very_high_overlap {
    return $_[0]>.4;

# enough but not very high similarity
sub good_overlap {
    return (&high_overlap($_[0])) && !&very_high_overlap($_[0]);

sub link_to_web {
    return("<a href=\"$_[0]\">$_[1]</a>");

sub load_networks {
    # read the xgmml files
    foreach $key (keys %workid) {

# true if a node label is relevant (eg. blank nodes are not)
sub to_consider {
    return (!(($_[0]=~/\[\d*\]/)      # ignore blank [1] nodes (circled)
	      || ($_[0]=~/^\(\d*\)$/) # ignore blank (2) nodes (uncircled)
	      || ($_[0] eq "?")     # ignore ? nodes
	      || ($_[0] eq "+")     # ignore + nodes
	      || ($_[0]=~/.*\/\d$/) # ignore "xxx/2" nodes that occur multiple times in one drawing

sub load_aliases {
    %alias = %{ eval &read_var_file("aliases") };

# If argument is an alias name, return normalized name, otherwise unchanged
sub normalized_name {
    if ($alias{$_[0]}) {
	return $alias{$_[0]};
    } else {
	return $_[0];

sub load_actorids {
    # read the complete (generated) array of actor ids
#    $line=&read_file($doc_root."bin/actorids");
    # store it
    %actorid = %{ eval &read_var_file("actorids") };
    %idactor = reverse %actorid;

sub link_to_actor {
    # linktext is name of actor, link is generated page 
    return "<a href=\"$actorid{$_[0]}/\">$_[0]</a>";

sub link_to_actor_id {
    # linktext is name of actor, link is generated page 
    return "<a href=\"$_[0]/\">$idactor{$_[0]}</a>";

sub uri_for_actor {
    # linktext is name of URL of the link, link is generated page 
    return "<a href=\"$_[0]\">$_[0]</a>";

# return an html link to a network from id TODO: change to dir!
sub link_to_network {
    # linktext is name of the work, link is generated page 
#    return "<a href=\"$_[0]/$_[0].xgmml\">$idwork{$_[0]}</a>";
    return "<a href=\"$_[0]/\">$idwork{$_[0]}</a>";

sub uri_for_network {
    # linktext is name of the work, link is generated page 
    return "<a href=\"".$workid{$_[0]}."/\">".$workid{$_[0]}."/</a>";

# return an html link to a network TODO: change to dir!
sub link_to_network_format {
    # linktext is name of the work, link is generated page 
    return "<a href=\"$_[0]/$_[0].$_[1]\">$_[1]</a>";

# extract id from a link to a network.xgmml
sub id_from_link_to_network {
    $_[0]=~/<a href=\"(.*)\"/;
    return $1;

# return a representation of the network id    
sub file_of_network {
    return $doc_root."network/".$_[0]."/".$_[0].".xgmml";

# return the directory for an id
sub dir_of_network {
    return $doc_root."network/".$_[0]."/";

# given an html-link, return the linktext    
sub linktext_of_network {
    $_[0] =~/<a.*>(.*)<\/a>/;
    return $1;
# visualization --------------------------------------------------

# code for a pie chart id,title,data. see
sub piechart {
    return ("<span id=\"$_[0]\"></span>".
	    # loader loaded in header, not for every chart
#	    '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'.
	    '<script type="text/javascript">'.
	    "google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});".
	    "function drawChart() {".
	    "var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([$_[2]]);\n".
	    # some options
	    "var options = {'title':'$_[1]', 'width':400, 'height':250, backgroundColor: 'transparent',legend:{position: 'top', maxLines: 3}};".
	    "var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('$_[0]'));".
	    "chart.draw(data, options);}</script>");
