First United, CB Fin
(To Information - Statistics - Actors - Visualization)(preliminary unstable) Work URI:
Digital as data in xgmml, graphml, json. Viewable as an image on the Web. More on this work with a Google search.
The narration takes place in the years 1981-1986 (this is computed).
(To Information - Statistics - Actors - Visualization)Contains 85 nodes and 93 edges (edge/node ratio is 1.09).
The nodes and edges are of the following types (the charts are interactive):
(To Information - Statistics - Actors - Visualization)The actors in this network are
- 16 S&Ls 2 banks
- First B&T Duncan Ok bank
- 1st United
- 1st United Fin Corp
- 1st United Partners 4
- 81
- 81/2
- 82
- 83
- 84
- 85
- 85/2
- 86
- ?
- ?/1
- ?/2
- ?/3
- ?/4
- AG Becker?
- AK
- AK/2 ?
- Arab International Bank - Riyadh -
- Arabras
- BB
- Bank of Irvine
- Bazarian
- BofA
- Brazil
- Bureau of Indian Affairs??
- CB Fin
- Casino
- Centennial
- Central National Bank - New York -
- Consolid
- Coronado Savings & Loan - Kansas City -
- Empire S&L
- Franklin Winkler
- Fl Ctr Bank
- Flushing Fed
- Haiku Holdings - Honolulu -
- Haiti
- Hansen
- Hawaii real estate
- Houston Holdings - Panama -
- Indian Springs State Bank - Kansas City -
- Leslie Winkler
- L. Iorizzo
- William Lemaster
- Lucky Coast
- Mainland
- NMiss S&L
- Palace Hotel & Casino PR
- Paul Castellano?
- Penn Square
- Piombo
- Prudential Bach
- Mike Rapp
- Mario Renda
- Renda/2
- Robt Ferrante
- Anthony Russo
- Sam Daily
- San Brequito
- San Marino S&L
- Saudis?
- Schwimmer
- Sea Side
- Sheetmetal workers Local 38
- Marvin Shenker
- Sid Shah
- Smith
- Steve Samos
- Straw borrowers $ 3.7 mil
- Switz
- Switz/2
- Sy Miller
- Teamsters Local 810
- US & European banks
- Union officials
- Vantage Petroleum
- [1]
- [2]
- hotel
(To Information - Statistics - Actors - Visualization)You can click on the nodes to get information on the actor.