(To Information - Statistics - Actors - Visualization)(preliminary unstable) Work URI: http://lombardinetworks.net/network/1043/
Digital as data in xgmml, graphml, json. More on this work with a Google search.
The narration takes place in the years 1949-1970 (this is computed).
(To Information - Statistics - Actors - Visualization)Contains 30 nodes and 40 edges (edge/node ratio is 1.33).
The nodes and edges are of the following types (the charts are interactive):
Some similarity with the following works by percentage of overlapping nodes:
- IOS to mid 1970 with 0.2333 overlap
(To Information - Statistics - Actors - Visualization)The actors in this network are
- 49
- 56
- 58
- 60
- 64
- 64/2
- 66
- 67
- 68
- 70
- Bank of America HK
- BofA LA
- Dasaad
- Dasaad/2
- Dasaad/3
- Deak and Co. LA
- Generals
- Generals/2
- Indesco Raya
- Kodema
- Kodema/2
- Lockheed AC Int'l
- Marabini
- Prince Bernhard
- Singapore bank
- Suharto
- Sukarno
- Sukarno/2
- Wells Fargo Bank
- [1]
(To Information - Statistics - Actors - Visualization)You can click on the nodes to get information on the actor.