The big vision
While thinking more about this project, a vision for a maximum extent of a digital Mark Lombardi consists of the following datasets:
- Complete digital representations of all Lombardi works in all versions with a normalization of actors names. A path for this would be to contact all private and public collectors via gallerists and to have them to provide scans or photographies of the works or allow the generation of such.
- A scan of all ~14000 index cards from the MOMA archive. These could in turn be made processable via OCR software trained to Lombardis handwriting. The texts then could be analysed using heuristics specific to Lombardi’s way of taking notes.and referring to public sources.
- A processable corpus of all public information that Lombardi used. This is the library of his books in digital form. From the references in the index cards, one would need digital representations of the texts used, eg. via Google books. In turn, the text could be analyzed and linked with the index cards.
- A processable corpus of all texts written on Lombardi. These include, for example, descriptions of his works by art historians. The corpus could be collected from public Web-sites. It could then be linked with the other informations sources to form a huge specialized information system.