First network…
I just did it – I digitized the first Lombardi network. It is “Keeny Meeny Services, Saladin Holdings and their Security Systems, London c.1970-90” of which I found a high resolution image at
It took me about 33 minutes to note down the 31 relations contained as a SIF file with a text editor. To help me I loaded the image in a paint program and crossed out all relations and nodes already noted down. The SIF then was imported into Cytoscape. There, I played with the visual style a bit and generated this force-directed layout:
With this, we can do a simple network analysis in Cytoscape, leading to:
Here is the resulting GraphML file: keenymeeny
With this first experiment, the following issues are open:
- Set up a schema for relation types, I used “to” for directed, “with” for bidirectional edges and “pays” for money flows.
- Set up a schema for node types, in this work we have bordered and unbordered nodes.
- Think about how to add URIs to nodes. This will generate another edit and is not doable in a SIF file.